TWP Radical Growth Rad140 + MK677 | SARM


TWP Radical Growth Rad140 + MK677 | SARM

Original price was: £74.99.Current price is: £71.99.

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RAD/MK Stack


  • Dramatic Gains – Adding RAD-140 lets you increase muscle mass, build strength and add stamina with impressive results
  • All the Gains, None Of The Negatives. – Unlike anabolic steroids RAD-140 has a 90:1 anabolic ratio giving you incredible, focussed muscle growth without the negative androgenic effects of anabolics.
  • Not A Steroid – While SARM’s are often compared to steroids due to their anabolic similarity, RAD-140 gives you the benefits of steroids, without being one.
  • More prompt recovery
  • Can be stacked– Whilst it is a stirling solo product, those more versed and experienced may wish to combine with other products
  • Accelerated Fat Loss

Ibutamoren (also known as ibutamoren mesylate or MK-677), promotes the secretion of the growth hormone (GH) and increases insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1)

Ibutamoren increases levels, by mimicking the action of the hormone ghrelin , and binding to one of the ghrelin receptors in the brain ). Activated ghrelin receptors stimulates growth hormone release from the brain.

Benefits of increased GH and IGF-1 include:

. Increased bone turnover and eventually bone density
. Improved sleep quality and REM (rapid eye movement) sleep duration.
. Reduced Muscle Wasting
. Increased muscle mass
. Reduced fat mass
. Possible healing of tendons, joints and ligaments

Please read: not for human consumption. This product is for research purposes only. This product is not a food product. By acquiring this product, you are in full knowledge that it’s not a food, nor is it for human consumption and it’s for market research purposes only. We do not provide any advice on the usage of these products.

Additional information

Weight 0.05 kg


TWP Nutrition


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Nutrition Facts Per Cap

(R)-1-(2-MethylallanylO-Benzyl-D-Seryl)-1-(Methylsulfonyl)-1,2-Dihydrospiro( in-dole3,4-piperidine) – 




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